lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Barcelona - La Ultima Celebracion!

Hoy Estoy Muy Orgulloso Familia y Amigos...
Llego esto a mi correo hoy por la mañana:

I am pleased to announce the following people are going to the Global Gathering – Barcelona:

Sal Conde (LibGo) – Sal demonstrates a dedication and commitment to providing a high quality network environment for Liberty Travel, GoGo Worldwide Vacations and LibGo. Notably, Sal has coordinated the network changes required to establish the TransPacific links between the LibGo network and the FCL AU network. These links are our lifeline to the Calypso and Finance systems. Sal has also worked on bring Apollo into the Ticket Centre and is currently working on extending our network into Bannockburn and Canada. Sal is a keystone member of the Networks team, someone who is always available to help when called upon.

1 comentario:

  1. Jesuschrist my brother, I'm very proud of you!
    Keep on going...
